International Telecommunications Union

During the 21st century, technological innovation continues to exponentially skyrocket. Everyday, we see new developments across the world in many fields. However, one of the technological domains experiencing unprecedented growth is within the field of Telecommunications and Information Technology. In the International Telecommunications Union, delegates will have the opportunity to tackle these very real and upcoming issues, which have only recently begun to take a central spotlight role. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss pressing developments in these fields within the International Telecommunications Union, one of the UN’s 16 Specialized Agencies, tasked with overseeing development in telecommunication and information technology. It exists in a unique position due to its emphasis on cooperation with the private sector, with access to worldwide sector members that delegates will be allowed to call upon within their solutions. While artificial intelligence and machine learning is becoming extremely prominent in popular culture, developments in the network of the Internet of Things are becoming ever more commonplace within the developed consumer and industrial economy, and delegates will be tasked with addressing these forthcoming issues.

Position Papers Due For Feedback March 8th, Position Papers Due for Awards by March 15th

  • Jacob Cox



  • Nidhi Kundargi

    Assistant Chair


  • Kael Ligon

    Assistant Chair