
Our Mission

The Michigan State Model United Nations Conference is an event set apart, raised above the rest. It is a conference that has developed a learning environment that enables students to not only become an active participant in the world around them, but also teaches life long skills. We have been able to craft an educational focus through our internationally recognized staff.

A Developmental Difference

We have created a conference that is tailored to students looking to broaden their high school educational experience. We have refined the experience students will have while attending the conference with aid from experience gained from competing across the country and world.

While in committee, students will be assisted in developing the ability to collaborate amongst peers, negotiate between parties with strong convictions, along with drafting official documents. Delegates will also enhance their reasoning skills through trying to solve dynamic, multidimensional problems. We craft our committees in the hopes of drawing all students into participation and improvement . In General Assemblies, Specialized and Crisis’, we are striving to construct an environment where delegates can work together to reach a common goal and learn to
work together.

​Through assistance from both the staff and peers, students will be able to return home with abilities that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

The Staff of MSUMUN has been trained through both an intensive process run by the conference and through the Model U.N. Team at Michigan State, the International Relations Organization. Staff who are members of IRO attend conferences in, Chicago, Montreal, Philadelphia, New York, and other cities across the country and compete against schools like Harvard, Georgetown, Yale, and Westpoint. Our award winning team knows what it is to be a delegate in a room with fierce competition, and we have brought this experience back to MSUMUN with us. Through our training on campus and abroad, we have created a conference that has the most competent staff in the Midwest.