XXIV Registration
Hello all! MSUMUN General Registration has ended, and our current waitlist has grown considerably. Although we’re thrilled to see such a large amount of interest in MSUMUN, this has led us to decide that the waitlist will regrettably be closed for the foreseeable future. We’re excited for this conference cycle & those to come!
Conference Information
The conference will take place between March 14th and March 16th, 2025. MSUMUN committees will take place at the MSU Union
Opening and closing ceremonies will take place at the Kellogg Hotel, a short walk to and from the Union and located on Michigan State Campus
You can see all committees running at MSUMUN XXIV here!
Most Background Guides will be posted Mid January on Committee Pages
Please reach out to us at externalaffairs@msumun.org if you have any questions
Terms and Conditions
1. All delegates must dress in Western Business Attire while at MSUMUN. If a delegate’s attire is deemed inappropriate by MSUMUN staff, the delegate will be asked to leave the session and return with appropriate attire. The MSUMUN Secretariat has the final say on any debate of the appropriateness of a delegates dress. Western business attire is not required for sPARTY.
2. All delegates are expected to consistently advocate the interests and represent the policies of his/her assigned country throughout the entirety of the conference. Delegates must in turn respect the views and ideas of other delegates even if said ideas are contradictory to his/her country’s views. All delegates must be prepared for and actively participate in committee sessions.
3. At all times, a delegate must wear his/her provided identification badge above the waist. Failure to do so can result in the loss of the rights and privileges accorded to delegates, including speaking time and recognition of motions. The credentials of all delegates will be assumed unless challenged in a point of order. If a delegate is challenged and found lacking credentials, the aforementioned penalties will take effect until such time as the delegate’s possession of credentials can be verified.
4. Delegates that participate in any of the following may be barred from further participation or expelled from the conference without refund at the discretion of the MSUMUN Secretariat:
a. Delegates who disrupt committee sessions or other conference events
b. Delegates who antagonize Union guests or “disturb the peace” of the Union
c. Instances of harassment or discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, or disability.
d. Instances of inappropriate behavior or unwelcome advances of a sexual nature
5. The use of laptops, cell phones and “smart phones” is prohibited during conference proceedings, unless explicitly told otherwise. The staff of MSUMUN retains the right to confiscate laptops and phones if they are being used in an inappropriate manner.
6. All advisors must be a minimum age of 21 in order to register delegates. All faculty advisors are responsible for the safety, well being, and conduct of their delegates. Advisors are also required to assist the MSUMUN staff in enforcing MSUMUN Official Committee Rules, policies, dress code, and uphold the MSUMUN terms and conditions with regard to their school’s delegates.
Any work used, written, spoken or otherwise communicated, which is not original to a delegate’s personal intellect and creative prowess and is not properly cited or recognized is plagiarized. Such dishonesty communicates an inherent disrespect of oneself, one’s delegation, and MSUMUN. Any delegate or staff member proven to have committed plagiarism will be expelled from the Conference.
Damage to the hotel and hotel property will be prosecuted: all charges for damage will be assessed to the responsible delegates. Furthermore, delegates are reminded to at all times be respectful of the hotel & union’s other guests, and to exhibit decorum outside of committee as well as inside.
MSUMUN will be located in the MSU union this year and we encourage schools to utilize this location by staying at the hotel.
Please be aware: MSUMUN will not be providing transportation to and from the MSU Union for any delegation.
Alcoholic beverages and other illegal substances are strictly prohibited within the MSU Union, the East Lansing Marriott Hotel and any other MSUMUN-affiliated hotel or lodging while the conference is in session. Any delegates found possessing such substances will be immediately expelled from the Conference. The Secretariat will confiscate such substances, and may also evict the delegate’s entire school from the Conference. MSUMUN does not and will not tolerate the possession or use of such substances, and all staff members will strictly enforce any violations of this policy. All violators will be subject to civil and criminal prosecution.
In the case a delegation decides or is otherwise unable to attend MSUMUN and does not provide notice prior to the Late Dropped Delegate Fee period, payment of all school & delegate fees will still be required. If a delegation has not paid any and all outstanding fees for any prior conference, that delegation will be ineligible for registration for upcoming conferences. The MSUMUN XXIV Late Dropped Delegate Fee period begins January 29th, 2025.
By registering for Michigan State Univeristy Model United Nations’s (MSUMUN’s) conference you agree to the following terms and conditions: