Conference Preparation
Once you get into the thick of getting ready for conference, the next step forward seems rather simple; but it can be difficult to get a handle on where to start initially or even how to “feel” ready for the entire conference and not just committee sessions. This page is not only here to help you jumpstart committee preparation but also get acquainted with MSUMUN and how you can best prepare yourself for a fun-filled conference weekend.
What to expect from your conference weekend
Before Conference
Committee Research - once you receive your committee assignment and country you’ll need to begin to understand your country and how it is involved and/or interested in your committee. This will directly lead you into the next step you should take!
Background Guide - Read the background guide linked on the committee page of the committee you’re assigned to! This will give you critical background information not only about the committee’s context and relevant events but also potentially how your character/nation is involved.
Position Paper - Once you’ve done research, you’ll need to write a stellar position paper. This should be around 1-2 pages long and cover the topics of your committee. You should write about the context of your committee and the relevant topics in relation to your nation/character, things your character/nation has done in the past to address these issues, and finally how you plan on addressing current issues with policy decisions once you get to MSUMUN.
Packing - This step will be different for each delegate but follow a similar pattern
Western Business Attire - You will need to wear western business attire while in committee, we recommend checking out this resource which discusses appropriate ways to dress for MUN and is a great guide for MSUMUN. That being said, if you do not have access to western business attire you have plenty of options; We recommend reaching out to fellow delegates or your advisor to potentially borrow attire or substituting in nice business casual alternative clothing that you may wear to a job interview or formal meeting! Note: please refrain from wearing cultural specific clothing to your nation unless you yourself are from that culture, while it may seem like you’re better representing your nation, it can come off as offensive!
Committee Equipment/Supplies - A legal pad and pen will be provided for you however you will likely need a bit more. You will want to bring small pieces of paper or sticky notes so that you can pass notes in committee and potentially you may also want to bring some form of technology to write resolutions on.
Other Things to Pack - MSUMUN takes place in late Winter and early Spring so it will likely be cold out. Cold weather clothing on top of your other casual clothing will go a long way! Make sure to also bring casual shoes as well so you are not stuck in uncomfortable heels/dress-shoes when walking in-between the conference venue and your hotel. You should also think about your comfort in committee, a few light snacks and a water bottle will go a long way to keep you satiated in committee sessions.
During Conference
Working With Other Students - From the get-go, once you get to MSUMUN you will be directly interacting with a very large and diverse group of people you’ve never met before. It’s important to keep an open mind and enter committee with the intention of making friends with those around you. You may meet people you’ve competed with before and even develop a long-lasting friendship. This can go a long way to making your conference experience a ton of fun! If another student is making you uncomfortable or you spot inappropriate behavior, every staffer at MSUMUN is available to assist you, just let one of them know and we will do everything we can to make you more comfortable and resolve conflicts.
Debate - This will look differently depending on which committee you are in, this is especially true for the difference between General Assemblies and Crisis committees. For all committees, when you walk in for the first time, you will have an assigned seat and a placard with your country assignment on it. You will be seated around others in your committee and the total number of other participants in the room could be anywhere from 15 to 150. The Dias or the chairs of your committee will be sitting at the front facing the delegates; This group of people are MSUMUN staffers and are in-charge of your committee. You should direct and questions or concerns you have to them.
Parli-Pro - You will need to know basic parliamentary procedure in order to thrive in committee. Know the three basic points and a few motions such as primary/secondary speakers list, moderated caucuses, and unmoderated caucuses before you get to the conference. You can find information about these on our MUN procedure page under the delegates tab.
Discourse - most committees will begin with a speakers list where each delegate will state their intentions in the committee and potential solutions they’d like to explore. You will hear many different opinions and viewpoints highlighting the ideological and socioeconomic differences between all the nations. At this point, you will notice that not everyone agrees on solutions to presented problems and this will lead into bloc formation.
Blocs - since not every nation agrees on one thing and may even have conflicting solutions, not everyone will be on the same page and agree to work together. However, you will find many other likeminded nations who have solutions you like or that may like the solutions you present. What tends to happen is that these groups of people form up into something called a “bloc” in committee. This is when several people agree to collaborate during the conference with the eventual intention of creating a directive or resolution together. Early in the committee or depending on the current context (such as in a crisis committee), it is very common for people to jump around blocs or even break off and form their own blocs while they’re feeling out the other delegates and temperature of the room. If you’re new to MUN, try and find/form a bloc of people that have solutions you agree with and see how you can contribute your own ideas to it!
Having Fun and Managing Anxiety - The truth about being on conference is that it is going to be a bit stressful. You’re in a high-pace environment competing with people that you may feel are always a step ahead or that you don’t know where to go next. This is a completely natural feeling and all delegates feel this. It’s best to understand this stress not as a threat but instead as a challenge to keep going in committee and see it through to the end. Throughout the committee you will meet some amazing other people that will be kind, funny, and otherwise enjoyable to be around. Don’t be afraid to fully commit to having an amazing weekend even if you don’t feel like you entirely know what you’re doing; If you can manage that, we promise that your next conference will be that much easier and more familiar to you… and hey… you might even win an award while you’re at it! Good luck!