While General Assembly and Specialized committees utilize a traditional format of resolution writing, Crisis committees operate using a different writing method known as directives. Directives are typically a short, one-two page long, handwritten document that contains short and precise decrees that will be voted on by the delegates in a crisis committee. They function as the way your committee influences their environment and enact the will of your characters.
Because of the short formatting of a directive as well as the fast-paced and reactive style of a crisis committee, directives are passed in “directive cycles” in which your committee will receive live feedback and repercussions to the decisions the voting body makes. A typical directive cycle looks something like this: crisis drop, debate, directive writing, debate, voting procedure, drop detailing the effects of the directives (or lack thereof). The directive cycle is an integral part of crisis and will help maintain an expeditious and exciting environment during committee.
Helpful Tips For Directives
While GA and Specialized committees often make use of question and answer (Q&A) periods as a piece of resolution debate – it is very uncommon to use Q&A in crisis! Because of the fast-paced style of crisis committees, using your limited time for Q&A periods is typically frowned upon. Instead, try motioning for a one-for-one-against or two-for-two-against to hear opposing arguments while still moving committee along!
Not every directive cycle has to end in directives being passed! Since you will have multiple opportunities to solve the various crisis facing your committee, don’t feel pressured to pass every directive or even any directives in a given cycle! Quality matters over quantity.
While directives are a team effort, don’t be afraid to try and use directives to further your characters own personal gain! Being able to tie your front and backroom arcs together by utilizing directives to your advantage shows your chairs and backroom staffers that you are a great delegate!
Additional questions or concerns can be emailed to crisis@msumun.org